Organization Overview

Encon has been reliably delivering perfect indoor comfort and absolute confidence for Connecticut and Westchester County, NY since 1969. Our highly trained, highly specialized and innovative engineers and technicians are committed to unmatched customer service.
We offer proactive deluxe residential comfort systems, commercial HVAC solutions, white glove service, and all of the efficiencies of solar, geothermal and other Energy Solutions from the region's premier HVAC company.
Eric D'Eramo
Eric D'Eramo Director, Business Operations & Resources
Bill Jenkins
Christopher Douglas Co-President
Daniel Lago Technical advisor/ Company Trainer
Debbie Turner HR Coordinator
Jamis Monahan
Jeff Ramadanovic
Jen Crisanti
Joe Costa
John DeMoura
Joseph Doolan
Kenny Nguyen
Krissy Broga Lead Coordinator
Michael Monahan Customer Experience Manager
Raquel Silva-Cordova
Steve Lord
Stillman Jordan
Stillman Jordan
Toby Giangrande
Tom Tomasheski
CHCC Logo Contractor Member