"Every man owes a part of his time and or money to the industry in which he is engaged."
-Theodore Roosevelt

CHCC Mission

Our objectives are to strengthen and further trade relations, attract, educate and train necessary manpower, represent members at all levels of government and review and establish quality standards and procedures.

2024 Annual SPONSORS


The CHCC Annual Meeting convened on December 21, 2023, the following key actions were taken and decisions made:

Financial Overview and Approval of 2024 Association Budget:

The association's financial status and the proposed budget for the year 2024 were presented and unanimously supported by the members. The approved budget will guide the association's financial activities for the coming year.

Approval of 2024/2025 Board Leadership Slate:

A motion was presented and unanimously supported to approve the proposed slate for the 2024/2025 Board Leadership. The new board will play a crucial role in steering the association toward its goals and objectives in the upcoming term.


President: Stillman Jordan

Vice President: Kane D’Amico

Secretary: Hank Cullinane

Treasurer: Ralph Fico

Past President: Matt Briand


Eric D’Eramo

Tim Fico

Chris Perley

Joe Pellecchia

Don Wheeler

Steve Zagurski